chr3smacapagal.wix.com/b666 is Barangay 666, Ermita Manila Philippines
Change History Society with eVote.One URLiDent.com
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UNITYurl.com Salvation

ProfitShareHolders.com is the basis for all citizens owning + controlling their assets and lifes.
FatherKeith.com is Keith Duncan
World Journalist Author Evangelist Crusader for all Mankind.
Use http://www.BidOnKeith.com Prime Consultant of all time.
Last update Aug 9, 2017. ProfitShareHolders.com destroys all stock market speculation, day traders, and criminal insider corporate executives once and forever. These are the new required corporate by-laws to enable stockholders to stabilize stock prices based on TRUE value, not shorts/longs/puts, and speculation. Read and GO PUBLIC to PRESS + Public to change course of your own history. These new by-pass by-laws are simple and easy to understand they change all currency buy-sell spreads including BitCoins.
1. Shareholders commit by escrow contract to buy or sell # of shares with delay of n days (decided by group majority EVOTE.ONE as everyone can see who voted for each decision)
2. The market price at buy/sell time is no longer directly affected by old insider trading or computer instant trading on triggers. Criminals are exposed who have manipulated shares. SEC is world famous and has very few criminal investigations to conduct since their databases have been infiltrated years ago.
3. WallStreet and other stock exchanges now eliminate all criminal manipulation of stock as well as cyber crime infiltrations using SolutionBankFraud.com that totally eliminates Identity Theft and access permissions to these international commodity trading databases.
4. Contact BidOnKeith.com to show how trillions of $$$ in world currencies are now transferred back to our 7.5 billion People. Nothing else has ever worked to identify who are the true criminals including super cybercrime theFinalTerrorist.com Robert Dee Rose with a $2 Million USD bounty on his IRSWBFeb2009, 658 head per Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Landmark class action criminal conspiracies resulting in +100 top USA gov officials going to HELL JAIL along with thousands of others who have infiltrated our electronic databases. Why and How does USA GOV actively protect #1 world fugitive terrorist ROSE? Easy. $$$$
Use BuiltByKeith.com EVOTE.ONE top anti crime expert Evangelist Crusader of all time
All staff to participate in profitability by controlling major expenses at all levels. This destroys all insider trading crime capitalism run by the 'criminal ruling elite' who have already enslaved, imprisoned, and even murdered millions for their own kingdom building empires. This also destroys all stock market manipulation and insider trading that transfers quad-trillions to the criminal rich. All wars are caused by banksters and criminals who profiteer by ultimate fear and intimation of false pretense of protecting my people. They are destroyed forever when each citizen owns shares in their own companies and also eVote control their invested assets of earned common stock. They now totally control who are their leaders and managers by the merit system of eVote.ONE URLiDent.com SolutionManifesto.com + others of SolutionManufacturing.com with 100% world use of SolutionGovernment.com. They eVote on the pay, benefits, paid out dividends versus re-investments of their peers and all leaders, thereby eliminating all secrets and corruption once and forever. Keith is beyond exhausted saving his +7.5 Billion people from their very own predatory greedy self entitlement mindsets of self serving crimes when few actually fearlessly protect their rights of all others. Fund and Protect Keith TODAY with 0 delays.
For 58 years, Keith has emerged as the worlds first and premier problem solver master teacher and Messianic Messenger as the ForeFounding Father of your new world society UNIocracy.com. If you work or own stock in any company, you now have full rights to eVote.ONE on all major share holder decisions including taking profit, electing ALL management and corporate officers, directly controlling their pay compensation and benefits, and even putting them into prison for violating the laws of SolutionManifesto.com Mass Protect Rallies worldwide are the result unless my People refuse to RISE and TAKE ACTION. Martial Law and extermination of opposition will result if NO one takes action.
We now treat all leader as highly paid consultants using the 100% based merit system of UNIocracy.com. All who fail to utilize and uphold these basic integrity and ethic based laws of common decency rights are banished to the abandoned slums created by SolutionHousing.com and WorldSchoolFund.com Do the cut and paste of these prime .COM directives as your FatherKeith has already done all the work to teach our entire world how to save themselves from their own self-destruction of greed and slavery orchestrated by 'the Criminal Ruling Elite'. Ask CEOSpace.net to expand to your community of faith and grace to teach you how to actually LOVE and CARE for each other as FatherKeith.com Duncan is the prime and ultimate PromiseKeepers.org following Jesus Christ IFJC2.com and Reverent Billy Graham (Evangelist Crusader).
Click: http://youtu.be/cu5vNs1fMiA that is the original patentable world business description published to world as the ONLY answer to prevent ALL crimes by demonic corporate executives in criminal cabal leaque with underground super criminals such as Robert Dee Rose, known as another of the prime AntiChrists. This one Nobel Peace Prize solution is held hostageForProfit.com by terrorist cabal AgileLaw.com + John Yates at mmmLaw.COM Atlanta GA USA as the only method for controlling stock holder and employee ownership rights for all corporations. Yates is another of the false Christians who is the Prime 'rainmaker' of a major law firm who is super wealthy because he steals the intellectual property of his client under false pretense of representing the rights of his own clients. No one knows these ultimate secrets of crime because the uneducated masses are brainwashed by capitalistic greed and cults.
The criminal ruling elite are almost all the Corporate Executives and underground criminal enterprises. They control the Politics (Political Action Committees, lobbyists, appointments, hiring), banks, trade commerce, our legal judicial system, and the obscene number of man-made laws regulations, contracts, procedures that systematically drain all assets and control of wealth to the 500 Billionaire families who already control 7% of the worlds value. Many more billionaires are the terrorists and criminals who actively prostitute our Constitutional Laws and rights using the criminal assets acquired from their UN-educated victims. TheFinalTerrorist.com will be eliminated forever as soon as the churches, press, and public 'Take Action with Authority of Fearless People to benefit all Others'.
There are few people left in any of the worlds upper and middle classes as they are burdened with debt and inability to change their own economic conditions. ProfitShareHolders.com is the simple new By-Pass and Corporate laws that give immediate ownership voting rights to all stockholders and employees. This allows them to electronically vote at any time on their own leadership and pay compensation to scuttle the absolute control of the Board of Directors who routinely enrich themselves with Billions $$$ in stock grants, insider trading, and secret deals hidden by all their high paid LIAR-Lawyer firms and 'raiders' at the shareholder, taxpayer, voter, and citizen expense.
Few people who are salaried or hourly employees will ever be efficient by creating work-flow management practices to reduce their paper chase regulations and overhead as well as create new stockholder value for the companies they own. Work Ethics and Integrity have become dinosaur relics of the original creations of small businesses and entrepreneur firms. The absolute #1 Crimes against Humanity in world history are the World War Three cyber crimes and Political Crime Terrorists of the http://www.ClearCollarCrime.com and http://www.PCTerror.com

Your Name goes here.
Entrepreneur YourEmail@Site.com
This is reserved for the next Partner of CreatorKeith.com who is investigated, vetted, compliant, and joins the world changing movements modeled by
http://www.UNITYurl.com to ensure self-compliance and regulation at local community levels around our mutual world.
This was the same Feb 2011 month after initiial criminal larceny by Ms. Bashama and Robert Dee Rose http://www.ManHuntRose.com and WhereIsRobertRose.com in Cobb County GA USA per forged Marietta P.D. 1.11.2506 reported used to kidnap Keith Oct 3, 2011 at CEOSpace to prevent ROSE's death row convictions and investigations by all USA military Criminal Divisions of the USA government.
SolutionMilitary.com explains why Keith asks for Military to investigate the Political Corruption of all related civilian IRS, FBI, AG, USmarshal Agencies tied to Treason, Espionage, and Sedition by rogue Government agents like DAG Sally Yates, Norfolk VA Federal Judge Thurman Jackson, Cobb County GA USA DA Berry Vic Reynolds, and each specific criminal like Doug Duncan, Sherry Duncan, Norcross GA Lawyer Jimmy Deal, and related 7 counties of Terrorist Criminal Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, District Attorneys, Police Criminal Investigators all tied directly to ROSE by their own signatures and false testimony. These include IRS agents Nora.Beardsley@IRS.gov, Amanda.D.Houston@IRS.gov, Maurice per IRS WhistleBlower Feb 2009, 658 worth $8 Million USD in rewards based on ROSE terrorist attacks on USA government and USA military as well as coordinated cyber attacks by Terrorists Alexander Cyclone Covey of AgileLaw.com
USA Marshals Tom Shell and Van.Grady@USDOJ.gov have also implicated their groups of Felony crimes.

Here is the missing link 'White Space' filled with the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of 7.39 Billion of my people = Mankind. Click: SaviorKeith.com to see WHO I AM John 10:30. Jan 15, 2008 was the true start of Terrorist Threats to Keith's Life by Robert Dee (Amy) Rose with attempted extortion of Keith by Rose using his own $109,800 USD 3 Promissory Notes as Rose finances the rest of his #1 World Crime Enterprises starting with HomeWaves.com LighLogics.com + 15 other RICO terrorist cabal organizations ending with FineHomeTechnologies.com S2sGreen.com + AgileLaw.com + many other super crime enterprises delivered back to the world of Interpol, Congress, United Nations. all Press, all churches and the entire public.

Jesus Christ (ChristDomain.com)
With SolutionGod.com
i Keith's original Board of Directors includes Jesus Christ, the FATHER GOD, the Holy Spirit in the form of the Holy Trinity. They are the only true benefactors who have protected Keiths life since Jan 15, 2008 historical threats by the Anti-Christ ROSE and his satanic devils clearly shown on http://www.SolutionURL.com as well as each crime scene video recorded and broadcast to the world.

Berny Dohrmann CEO of CEOspace.net
Berny's CEOSpace #1 Educational Forum recieves 90% of the first $1 Billion (yes B-Billion) USD profits from CreatorKeith.com World Trading Enterprise Partner Ministries as soon as they enlist our membership and Platinum Members to go fully public with all these gifted Acts of Wisdom that change our entire world, one relationship at a time. Note: Keith is Platinum member with his $45,000 USD investment in Feb 2011.
With this huge cash infusion (Board of Directors of: Hugh Ballou, Ed Bogle, Harry Lay, Les Brown, Kathy Lee, Kathy Hampton, Dennis Graham, Bob Proctor, Dr David Gruder, Eve Horton, etc,) , CEOSpace will convert Las Vegas (lost wages) from Sin City to Saved City where families and business entrepreneurs come to learn all about Integrity, the most efficient Business Processes, financing, regulatory compliance, raising capital, communication skills, relationship building, and the other key foundational skills to ensure Ethics are enforced at all levels of business transactions that eliminate almost all governmental oversight and regulations.
Even Berny was Maliciously Prosecuted and jailed for 2 years for an SEC violation that never occurred. Berny is producing a Hollywood style movie by this same name. Berny refers to most governments as Gestopo agents who routinely profit by Holding Innocent WhistleBlowers and criminal anti-terrorist technologies HostageForProfit.com since they are deathly afraid of Public, Press, and Church exposure for their own Crimes Against Humanity. Anyone can contact Keith to ask anything at all about the True State of Humanity and why GOD only intervenes at the very last Revelation moments.