chr3smacapagal.wix.com/b666 is Barangay 666, Ermita Manila Philippines
Change History Society with eVote.One URLiDent.com
Captain Felix Macapagal (63)921-606-4422 macapagal666@gmail.com
Mac666.com SolutionPeace.com Only Answers

UNITYurl.com Salvation
eVote.ONE BidOnKeith Nov 4 -0
Call FatherKeith.com Duncan Philippines +(63)917-335-4300
MAC + Keith's Message
Use the files on right to Command Gov + Press re-publish all these Solutions for World Benefits.

Sept 25, 2011, 9:00 PM
Keith visits USA Military Langley AirForce Base to ask for protection while HE and Military debrief FBI-AG of massive political corruption and cybercrimes against the USA government and military. OSI Capt Chris Weber (757)764-5087, 5091
Oct 3, 10:00 AM MST
Keith kidnapped in Las Vegas Nevada so ROSE could steal the rest of Keith's multi-m-billion IP assets and threaten his life with attempted murder for 848 days. ROSE GA DrvLic 054217049
Jan 28, 2014, 10:00 AM
Keith dumped on street by USA Government homeless, destitute, and never charged with any legal violation or crime. Keith visits FBI within hours, then days, now 1.8 years later, still has DEADLY SILENCE from everyone, 4:11cr112 is the worse Landmark Miscarriage of Injustice in USA, even world history. The real and punitive damages exceed $500 MIllion USD in SF-95 Federal Torts Claims Acts and felony capital crimes starting with Attempted Murder, destruction of almost all Court Documents, transcripts, testimony, etc, all to prevent USA Miitary from protecting Keith's sovereign rights.
Sept 4-23 2016. Pope Francis in JerUSAlem unifying Muslims, Jews, Christians with ChristDomain.com mediation as Keith requested Papal visit April 1-5 2015 and subsequently.
Use BidOnKeith.com
Below is the partial World Saving
Solutions that are soon the #1 Main stream Standards for all of society to literally and virtually
Your entire world changes with these broadcast answer-solutions.
NOV 4, 2017 to Jan 2018. -Contact: Captain Felix Macapagal, cell Smart (63)921-606-4422, is my latest host at Barangay 666 who provides me safe haven protection (armed security) at 147 United Nations Ave. 1/2 block north of the USA Embassy on ROXAS Blvd while our world takes action to protect my life and intellectual right property to recover every penny of your GOD gifted assets taken by force by ROSE and so many other USA gov/corp officials. Contact WORLD + SaveTheNationMovement@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/savethenationmovement/ (63)0917-964-8818. CONTACT ALL World Leaders, PRESS, Churches, PUBLIC to use these answers NOW !
MAC is 2nd cousin of ex President/Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. His B666 needs immediate direct funding to build/buy new office/housing/food pantry for the local homeless street people as he covers the famous Rizal Park on Roxas Blvd at 147 United Nations Ave, Ermita, Manila Office tel(63)484-5042.
Their immediate needs are: New Food Pantry distribution system (refrigerators and storage area) to cooperative ministry feed their local homeless population and provide safe haven areas for sleeping. Most families here have small children as this is a rare place to sell street vendor food and tourist items near famous Jose Rizal Lunetta Park.
Next major need is Road grading access to his GOV permitted 300 Hectare Indigenous Ranch east of Rio Chico, General Tinio, Nueve Ecija, Philippines (Central Luzon Island).
They need a good new heavy duty farm tractor 2 Million Pesos = $40K USD, a 4/4 Military grade flat bed truck (like a HINO whose chief executives I interviewed 5 months ago, a new warehouse/store $40,000 USD, and mass publicity to make SolutionHousing.org YOUR new world reality of all middle class Green Digital Creative communities.
SolutionMilitary.com creates ONE new world society Military so no rogue President, Congress, Bankster, or criminal network can ever order civil war attacks on other sovereign free trade and travel nations of UNIocracy.
These all unload the slums of our world in record time as the following is the divined/ordained answer solutions that our world must deploy NOW ! Felix holds 750 shares (1% of 75,000) common stock of registered CreatorKeith.com Reno Nevada INC. Anyone else can also invest in the 1% of all crime assets seized by copyrighted Intellectual Property methods gifted to humanity seen on BuiltByKeith.com clearinghouse of all world problems solved by YOU, my 7.5 billion people.
TAKING ACTION NOW is the only way to prevent the Nuclear Holocaust + cyber crime terrorism that kills our world. All 100% positive ministries of GOD and + messianic Messengers as these Ordained Divined methods transfer TRILLIONS of $$$ from criminals identified with EVOTE.ONE and URLiDent.com back to YOU, my 7.5 billion People. Only minor crowd funding and FULL SCALE mass publicity has ever been required to complete these divined and ordained missions of Social Justice and PEACE that will survive all humanity as the ONLY unification standards of your new world free of crime and sinful vice.
The Last testimony Last Supper is #1003 and #1004 seen here: https://youtu.be/e2csS8RS_Us
Watch any of the ordained answers to humanities prime self destructive conditions that unify all mankind. Refusals will ensure your world is destroyed by ROSE and other sociopath monkeyKings.info IseeJustice.com
Contact MILITARY, TOP OFFICIALS, All Top Churches, Public and DEMAND keith brent duncan be personally escorted BACK to USA to testify against worst cybercrime terrorist cabal network in world history lead by TheFinalTerrorist.com ! These biblically KILL all crime networks forever and restore GOD's paradise back to YOU, my 7.5 Billion PEOPLE. Nothing else has ever worked... All criminals have been ordered to SURRENDER or face the wrath of being manhunted by skynet Drones and your OCTV eDevices as all victims unite by placing rewards on heads and coordinating WHO are unsaved criminals with URLiDent.com open database.
This is WHY Military was always directly engaged starting back on Sept 25, 2011 after ROSE infiltrated all other agencies with AgileLaw.com HomeWaves.com and other underground Criminal RICO enterprises now worth BILLIONS of your assets.
Use Playlist IseeJustice.com to Change all History. These are the Spiritual Holy Grail answers to ensure lasting peace in your new world society. All objectors are immediately punished by our people if they refuse-fail to provide working solutions that benefit everyone. Use Playlist IseeJustice.com to Change all History. This updated last Aug 29, 2017. read CCF.com.ph section below.
Oct 29, 2017 I am OUT of cash and you, my world are OUT OF TIME. Terrorist Cybercrime attacks are going to speak doomsday for you UNLESS you TAKE ACTION by contacting ALL TOP GOV officials RIGHT NOW. Churches now become the overseers of all communities PEACE and ORDER with everything described on TOP of BUILTBYKEITH.com so I don't have to KEEP repeating these ordained divined only answers for now +7 biblical years of pure hell. actually 10 with TheFinalTerrorist.com $3 Million USD bounty on his head and so many others doomed for judgment by YOU my people as EVOTE.ONE eliminates almost all criminal investigations once and forever. No more appointed officials either. Corporate Executives also DO as we SAY with PROFITSHAREHOLDERS.com that stabilize all stock markets.
Aug 30, 2017 New UNITYurl.com last testimony testament. FixHOA.com was the original how to solve all issues, problems, conflicts at local level worldwide. DESTROYED by antiChrist Criminal terrorists starting with Robert Dee ROSE, the most wanted man still alive because USA Gov is deathly afraid of the public uprisings and mass riots once the PRESS and churches report on ANY of the HOLY GRAIL missions of keith brent duncan (DOB 1958-Aug-15) who owns first URLiDent.com International ID of 001 19580815 000000.
Each community hosts meetings as scheduled through EVOTE.ONE or on demand in case of any citizen uprising of issues. upon entering the meeting place, each person signs joint agreement they are to be banished from the forum if the majority votes them out. The moderator asks two simple questions. 1. What do you love-like about our village? 2. What issues, problems, conflicts do you want to address? The moderator asks everyone to hand vote if they agree or disagree. Only one person indicated may talk in order of their hand raise (or electronic raising of flag if remote OCTV). Anyone who speaks out of turn may be banished from the room by vote agreement. Then, few taxes are ever needed again and governments all collapse as they are now obsolete. All benefit.
Anyone who poses a critical issue must also provide the solution answer and method to accomplish. If the group agrees to continue discussion, all is well until the group agrees to A. ADOPT and implement the issue. B. Table the issue for later research and discussion. C. Agree to ignore or NOT accept. If the group votes to BAN any person, they are promptly escorted out of the forum. This is based on Roberts Rules of Order.
Now when each community solves their base issues by majority will of the people, they collectively use the HIVE principal to conduct all business including schools, hospitals, clean water, housing, crime, drugs, and another collective issue that affect their social grace justice village at any level. This world saving-changing method applies to ANY group of ANY size, including entire nations and world. With our new world society (to be promptly named UNIocracy.com or BIgrace.com using these simple ordained and GODly divined methods, our entire world now reverts back to the Garden of Eden Paradise that my-our GodFather created intended.
Otherwise in legal and spiritual terms, WE ARE ALL DEAD. One terrorist attack, one nuclear button pushed, one biological or agriculture plague disease, or any of the cyber crime terrorist attacks conducted BY the criminal ruling elite, and our world ENDS forever. For GOD, JESUS, and Keith Duncan are believably MADDER THAN HELL ITSELF that mankind has reverted back to the most primitive SELF SERVING, Self-entitlement, SELF GREED, SELF criminal vice and crime world, then WHY IN HELL or HEAVEN would they lift a single finger to intervene at all.
Keith now has $10 USD in form of 500 Pesos after being a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE in all calipers of being the most competent Renaissance man in all current world history. GOD will indeed retrieve KEITH BRENT DUNCAN at any time because the value of this one GODly man is historical in all nature. Exactly WHY is Keith showcasing all criminals and providing the ultimate and only pathways to true salvation. WHY? That is his-MY purpose for being here on EARTH. If anyone has a true issue with WHY I AM here, go have a heart to heart discussion with either GOD, JESUS, or my 7.5 billion people. Then YOU face judgment of all as they have been granted authority to do what ever the majority of my people decide.
Myself, I intend to own NOTHING as I reported to world on video, before SATAN ROSE brutally attacked me back on Jan 14, 2008. I will indeed be fully supported with anything I need to complete Jesus Christ missions of mercy and grace as I truly have inherited GOD’s kingdom with, for, by, and of you, my people… THE MOST COMMON EXCUSE I GET from EVERYONE is 'I am TOO BUSY'.
Aug 30, 2017 I just called (404)331-6833 USMarshals Atlanta as I did Oct 1, 2011Tom Shell. In 10 minutes he REFUSED to call back and hung up. I captured his aiding and abetting super criminal ROSE on voice record. Very high powered USA GOV officials like Sally Yates will be murdered by ROSE along with Berry Vic Reynolds as they implicated themselves through their very own signatures. I have just imperiled my own life again as USMarshal idiot said I should report cyber crime to USA Embassy, JUST like I did Aug 7, 2017 on IseeJustice.com #497. I stated that criminal terrorists are inside these criminal investigative databases and auto-deleting all references to super criminals that make these madmen true ghosts of ultimate crime networks. All these indicate END of WORLD times that are prevented and transformed with GODs'word of these websites that teach proactive prevention of almost all crimes.
Aug 17, 2017 Your New World Society is showcased HERE to destroy all crime networks forever. The most massive transfer of criminal wealth goes back to YOU, my people. UNITYurl.com VIDEO is: https://youtu.be/AEkL-xZ7sVI These are the TRUE reality of MANKIND's self devastation holocaust that are 100% positive PREVENTED by these only world saving solution answers. These are all both Divined and Ordained from Acts of Wisdom humbly accumulated from all world Fore-founders and copyright gifted to our entire world. Contact + FUND Keith today.
Aug 24. 2017. Back at the most powerful churches, military, AFP, PNP, H.R. and other Press groups for 100% focus these last few months. At A.D.D. Bro Eli S., Dr. Daniel Razon at TheOldPath.tv broadcast studio EDSA North after overnight at der friend of Duterte on EVOTE.ONE and ChristDomain.com and all other World Saving Solutions that UNIFY all mankind. Continue reading and TAKE ACTION that has been required/commanded of, by, and for my people with client3635.wix.com/SolutionManifesto.com and other revolutionary peace making answers including ProfitShareHolders.com DO the URL links yourself. = You Are Loved.
Aug 16, 2017 All is complete to UNIFY all of mankind in God's name as HE has been working behind your scenes of massive crimes against humanity since Aug 15, 1958 to redeem the sinners and criminals by ACTION of you, my-HIS people. This is the TRUE reality of MANKIND's self devastation holocaust that is PREVENTED by the only world saving solution answers that are both Divined and Ordained from Acts of Wisdom humbly accumulated from all world Fore-founders.
Aug 10, 2017 SolutionPeace.com OCCURS when YOU, my people take action to crush all crime networks with Bible Integrity Ethics of the following only answer solutions. Peace and total world harmony occur with your support.
Aug 8, 2017 TAKE ACTION today to overthrow all crime Networks. EVOTE.ONE is the ONLY world saving solution to end ALL Political Corruption forever by all citizens-voters controlling and managing all leaders and the decisions OF, FOR, and BY our 7.5 billion People. Nothing else has ever worked to ensure total peace and harmony any place worldwide. Click and read the ONE safe PDF file ABOVE (First one) on WHY Fatherkeith is the #1 and prime Peacemaker for our entire world. KEITH has already legally claimed 1% of all world crime assets seized by use of Interpol URLiDent.com eVote.ONE with my #1 anti-crime methods. Each of you will claim 10% of crime assets you find.
The required simplicity use of BuiltByKeith.com clearinghouse of world saving answers shows the return of Gods Paradise to all who utilize the life gifting services and consulting expertise of 'keith brent duncan' evangelist crusader expert teams. Anyone with integrity can join SolutionPeace.com and reap the benefits of ProfitShareHolders.com with 1% of all world crime assets seized to be used by our churches and ethic based teams to teach + build new Green Digital Creative Communities in every nation. Only a few Press Conferences and top level government official meetings have ever been required to create our own new world society. Who DO YOU KNOW who has any authority to make these world class saving answer solutions go PUBLIC. Delays only enable massive crime networks to continue stealing your/Gods assets and enslaving you, my people. All objections and excuses have been addressed years ago by the one man of pure integrity who is justified to teach our entire world as top Evangelist Crusader. Direct funding, support, publicity, and temporary housing has always been required !
Aug 10-11, 2017 Keith personally contacts and visits AFP (J2-J6), PNP (cybercrime -Interpol - Others) NBI (many divisions), DOJ-IACAT(council against trafficking), DOJ-Supreme Court Vit Agquire, contacts President Duterte's office directly, and continues WORLD evangelist Crusader missions at extreme cost of time and personal 'peril' since ROSE and all criminal ruling elite continue to destroy our electronic databases of THEIR crime evidence shown to world.
A simple call or follow-up is all that has ever been required to overturn all crime networks forever. Who is NEXT?
Allan Credo at ABS-CBN Gina Lopez foundation was just contacted back to GO PUBLIC along with our entire world.
Aug 7, 2017 A 'GODs Miracle' is today as ASEAN final summit occurs. Historical meeting was at USA Embassy with DOJ-HLS Lamont Siller at 2 pm to command USA Gov find ROSE and all other criminals using these only solutions to empower mankind to quickly identify who are criminals, unknown, and honest persons of known integrity. END result was SA Chris? Wilson violated multiple Constitutional laws by refusing admission to 'safe haven', any testimony, and actually verbally threatened me personally in front of other DOJ eye witnesses. HE along with all others will be investigated and convicted of aiding and abetting #1 world cybercrime terrorist ROSE as their assets are hereby legally claimed as owned now by Fatherkeith.com as our people stage MASS PROTEST RALLIES and DEMAND our governments identify WHO are the criminals they actively protect because of massive treason, espionage, cybercrime, terrorist attacks, and other crimes against humanity run by underground crime networks such as theFinalTerrorist.com Everyone MUST contact Everyone to enbable these answers GO PUBLIC.
I invited Nathaniel Laxa (anti terrorist expert USNAVY) and also have direct cp of General Restituto Padilla AFP Commander and thousands of other eyewitnesses to turn OVER to world. No one can ever deny any of your rights once these final answer methods go PUBLIC !. The USA WILL fly my team back TO Washington D.C. to testify against each and every false accuser and certified criminal. Anyone can HOST the required Press Conferences to empower our people to use SolutionHousing.com to build millions of new Digital Green Creative Communities using the crime assets seized by client3635.wix.com/solutionmil = SolutionMilitary.com, churches, and public using free world MaxWifi for instant confirmation of who is dangerous.
I also visited Capt Jesser Cordova (63)2-452-3002 at NAMSSA.net today to show world how to secure all ports of calls and points of any transactions. Anyone who refuses to TAKE ACTION is immediately found guilty of Obstruction of Justice + other crimes.
Aug 3, 2017 NO ONE has any right to DENY your rights of ownership and control OVER your very own corporate leaders and Gov Officials. ProfitShareHolders.com destroys all stock market speculation manipulation crimes. This is the FINAL testament of HOW to destroy all crime networks while seizing all crime assets to be used to build new world society of Digital Green Creative Communities free of vice, crime, corruption, drugs, and destructive unsaved criminals who operate by extorting and bribing our own leaders. GO PUBLIC means to RISE UP by the millions to DEMAND our government USE the following sequential solutions to ensure my people prosper and thrive under protection of GOD and each other. ROSE is the/a Prime AntiChrist Cyber crime terrorist protected BY the USA GOV because crime rogue agents have infiltrated almost all our corporation and government databases. Prevented with SolutionBankFraud.com + other divined and ordained answer methods used BY, FOR, and OF my people. Contact and DEMAND USA + all other Government leaders fearlesly protect Keith's life and world saving intellectual property or be destroyed internally by 'The Criminal Elite'.
Aug 2, 2017. Famous meeting today with Dante Jimenez PCGA to finally get EVOTE.ONE to go GLOBAL VIRAL news media as URLiDent.com is ONLY open public database needed to ensure 100% visibility of all leaders, decisions, and contracts . SolutionHousing.com also transfers trillions of $$$ crime wealth ONE way back here to Philippines since USA and other countries collapse because of ProfitShareHolders.com and empowered 7.5 billion people who identify, isolate, and seize all criminals who refuse to surrender these crime assets and confess their crimes against my people. Start with ROSE with a $2 Million USD bounty on his head from fall of 2011 tied to Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Class Action Landmark Cases of Injustice.
July 29, 2017. PNP General Padillo 'fake' office called last week inviting me to meet President Duterte at ASEAN summit Aug 8. If any world leader had used EVOTE.ONE and these world changing solutions years ago, your world would already be UNIFIED and PEACE. No one has any right to deny your rights and ownership of my GOD's natural resources. I visited Regina Lopez Foundation office July 28 of Ginas World to directly engage ALL Mass Media to GO PUBLIC on ABS-CBN on World saving TurnOffLights.com SolutionHousing.com and URLiDent.com All mining companies now are DAM builders for almost free hydro Electric power with free SolutionSafeWater.com for irrigation, new forests-farms + drinking.
I have been personally visiting all news media, ASEAN, APEC, Congress, and all major Gov agencies since my arrival here Aug 6, 2015 The most PROFOUND and deadly serious revolution is EVOTE.ONE using URLiDent.com as the ONLY world saving solution to ensure total world visibility and accountability. All criminals will cringe in horror that face recognition and their crime sprees are STOPPED when reporting citizens claim 10% of all crime assets. BidOnKeith.com legally, financially, spiritually, and by 100% justified righteousness has claimed only 1% of all world crime assets seized using this copyrighted IP citizen methods. Who Contacts Keith now to join our world reform groups? The #1 crime is NO followup and Press.
July 4-6, 2017. Today I personally met NBI Deputy Director Ferdie Lavine and 4 of his sub groups on CRIME. I asked them ALL to call INTERPOL and USE URLiDent.com EVOTE.ONE to UNIFY all of mankind. Contact Keith today and CALL the MILITRY and FBI-AG to DEMAND they take ACTION. Everyone PROTECT his life and assets as nothing will STOP these ordained and holy unification movements from transfer of TRILLIONS of $$$ wealth back to the mass of my holy honest people..
TAKE ACTION now ! by going public to all. These divisions (Cybercrime, Human Trafficking, Fraud, Anti-Corruption) where shown how URLiDent.com makes them world famous leaders in preventing almost all crimes in the first place. The USA Gov was directly contacted and educated Nov 2010, Sept 2011 to present on the EXACT world changing solutions. Few have responded because of the massive political corruption reasons broadcast. Who contacts Keith now?
Peace and total world harmony occurs when mankind unites using these Plans of Salvation and Acts of Wisdom. Keith is most humble and eminent anti-crime technology evangelist in recent world history. Use BidOnkeith.com today to send his teams to your greatest places of needs. Destruction of all crime networks occurs with EVOTE.ONE and URLiDent.com once News Media, Public, Churches, and Government leaders UNITE. Directly Above this video on far left, Click and read the ONE safe PDF file on WHY Fatherkeith is the #1 PRIME Peacemaker God's Rights activist for our entire world in search of others protecting rights of all others. No one else has ever accepted this GODly designated Sovereign Ambassador Position in recent times. Taking ACTION on the following is the ONLY way to prevent humanity from self-genocide by hands of Satanic forces like ROSE. Refusals to use these absolute IseeJustice.com is a crime, plain and simple. I attended the Marriott Tourist world Conference and was on site for ASEAN2017 Summit Violence against Children ASsean2017.ph/7th-high-level-cross-regional-roundtable-violence-children that is solved with the following systematic step answers that fearlessly protect the rights of all others. In true reality, I remain appalled at the indifference and apathy of the highest ranked persons in Gov and Corporations who reject the most obvious answer: Love and Care for all others. Most people protect their 'turf' and live in closed boxes of denial of social and ethical responsibilities that prevent these missions of mercy and grace from becoming mainstream 'spiritual scripture' obtained from the master fore founders of humanity
Last Update Aug 26. : This wonderful CHRIST centered event is posted and CROSS Marketed here + ChristDomain.com to boost attendance from all Manila area churches and 'unsaved' persons who are hungry for the reformation ministries of www.CCF.org.ph Peter Tan-Chu @ fb.me/BackToTheGardenMinistry (viral social media) CCF retreat for first 300 participants. Sign up at: www.CCF.org.PH/event/true-life/ October 13–15, 2017 at Mt. Makiling Re-creation Center located 1 hours south of Manila Airport at Santo Tomas, Philippines. Retreat fee: PHP3,500 Contact (0917) 273 5077 for more details. This is the SAME retreat center I attended w/ Henry Estipona when he was baptized in the name of my-our GodFather JC Feb-March 2017.
Join us for this historical event as well as USE ChristDomain.com to UNIFY all churches with UNITYurl.com Our world collapses for failure of governments and corporations to use EVOTE.ONE ProfitShareHolders.com with URLiDent.com being the ONLY answer solution to obtain one degree of separation between all of our 7.5 billion enslaved and endangered population. Everything stated is the absolute truth of IseeJustice.com and other world broadcast evangelist crusader ministries of FatherKeith.com
eVOTE.one is the only bible based common sense technology answer to rid our world of all crime networks with Interpol URLiDent.com. Criminals flee when all 7.5 billion people are enabled with eDevices to visibly expose crimes including use of original SolutionRedDot.com delivered to world and military Sept 25, 2011 Langley AirForce Base. Trillions of $$$ crime assets are seized and used for WorldSchoolFund.com and SolutionHousing.com to eliminate all hunger and poverty forever. TurnOffLights.com + SolutionSafeWater.com prevents energy $$ wars as well as all pollution climate changes. See how IseeJustice.com video answers confirm and solve almost all world problems with use of top world leader consultant FatherKeith.com. All that has ever been required is World Press Conferences and SolutionManifesto.com to teach humanity how to rid ourselves of all crime networks and return GOD's paradise to Earth so we can all live in Peace and Harmony without need for politics, vice, sin, and demonic crime. Crowd funding + protecting Keith Duncan ensures our world will unify mankind in record time.
Click: https://youtu.be/2vmlHzbc81c Use BidOnKeith.com today to send Keith to your greatest places of needs to WORLD Leaders, Gov, Military, Corporations, as time is the most precious commodity of WHY I serve all mankind. Tax Slaves Of Cyber crime Warfare and Political Prisoners of Anti-Christ are freed ! The enslavement of humanity by taxes, man made criminal loophole laws, and uneducated masses BY, FOR, and OF the Criminal Ruling Elite is the worse plague of all historical time. The #1 world anti-crime expert was criminally stalked, physically robbed, persecuted by any and all criminal law/judicial officials. Everyone ask Military, FBI-AG-CIA-NSA- any honest others to find Keith now to protect his life, restore him as consultant to all world leaders, and GO PUBIC to world. These criminals will be seized by FBI-AG-Military-My people, and my very own assets returned to Keith including well over $400 Million USD for real and punitive damages based on professional evaluations done in June 2011. A great video of WHO are the richest families in world is: youtube.com/watch?v=RO0S6j2Zsqo WhereIsRose?
UNIocracy.com By altered definition, UNI ocracy means You and I. Related to Meritocracy, Cybersynacy, and Technocracy, UNIocracy.com is “ruled by the singularity of all human minds connected by telecommunications acting as a form of super computer to make decisions based on shared patterned experiences to deliver fair and accurate decisions to problems as they arise’.
March 21, 2017 This VIDEO https://youtu.be/iqYsrgOHctA changes all world history showing how eVOTE.one URLiDent.com ProfitShareHolders.com = SolutionGovernment kills all politics and crime forever when PUBLIC goes 'viral' to empower all people to control and manage all their leaders and each major decision that affects them and Keith + GODs universe..
Everyone CONTACT AG,FBI,IRS, law enforcement, Press, Churches with focus on FBI and AG with Military contacting Keith today. Find the honest persons to call Keith to send him today to your greatest places of need, like Jesus did.
Electronic Voting on all corporate and government leadership enables all citizens to control and manage all the prime decisions of their rights and taxpayer assets to:
EVOTE.ONE 4 ByPass Laws Change World history. No one can deny your rights again. = SolutionGovernment.com
1. All leaders are electronically voted by one general election, all votes are easy to see by PUBLIC (they can be marked private or PUBLIC), Tallies all show to world as write once, read public counts are seen by all.
2. All leaders electronically TOLD what to do. No more appointed officials who are criminally in bed with others. SolutionJudge.com explains how to eliminate all corrupt individuals including Liar-Lawyers + other terrorists.
3. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority of will of people. They must show all their expenses to public as they deserve to be rich IF they fearlessly protect my people and perform #2.
4. Any leader who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #3 pay, are voted OUT by majority of people to be replaced by succession runner-ups, NOT by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or part of the same party control of greed.
THESE FOUR simple by-pass laws change world history because they are unbreakable along with famous http://www.ProfitShareHolders.com and all other systematic LOVE OTHERs solution answers.
With SolutionGovernment.com and Interpol URLiDent.com standardized international unified referential integrity normalized database, no criminal can survive the face recognition and bio-metrics tracking conducted by all citizens.
March 20, 2017 the ONE PDF file at top shows how 4 simple bypass laws prevent all political corruption. Any preschooler to PHD can see these prevent all crime once and forever... Unification of all mankind is the only end result of SolutionGovernment.com Evote.ONE and the other world class saving answer solutions shown on BuiltByKeith.com clearinghouse based on humble master consultant BidOnKeith.com and all our fore founding humanitarians and God's rights activists. Contact FatherKeith Duncan today to engage-train our world how to rid our world of all corruption once and for all. This destroys all black market underground crime networks at all levels and redistributes trillions of $$$ wealth back to you, my people in name of humanity and GOD.
Crowdfund FatherKeith.com as the #1 anti-crime expert in world. Demand-Order FBI and AG as well as National Press contact Keith as well as CEOSpace.net HiTechMinistries, all churches, and public.
No other common sense method governments have ever destroyed all crime networks as criminals infiltrate quickly to pervert all laws and control all flow of information and assets of you, my people. Contact All World Leaders , facebook.com 'Mocha Uson blog' Send theMochaUsonBlog@gMail.com All Religions, NGOs, top Gov officials, to GO PUBLIC by demanding BuiltByKeith.com be used and supported, and deployed by our People. This legal process includes convictions of everyone tied to TheFinalTerrorist.com by their very own signatures and banishment of all unrepentant criminals.
Duterte, Trump, Putin, and all world leaders will be shocked their very own officials have never done followup by simply contacting #1 Evangelist Crusader Keith Duncan by any ways or means. Duterte has been directly asked to meet with Keith per requests delivered March 24, 2017 to Palace + Press.
### World Press Release and Press Conferences hosted by Top World Leaders. March 20, 2017 FatherKeith.com is the fore-founding father of your new world society UNIocracy.com. No one in USA Gov has ever had any right to prevent ARRESTS of Terrorist ROSE, AG Sally Yates, and so many Judges, lawyers, and other criminal terrorists. No one's rights will EVER be denied again once these simple world saving solutions are used by all. UNIFICATION of our entire world occurs WHEN publicity of the following SOLUTIONS is spread and multiplied through communities of my 7.48 Billion people known as followers of FollowKeith.com + BidOnKeith.com Ambassador. Our new world society is merit based authorities in all governments and corporations, church leadership at all levels, NGOs, and our entire world. Command: Read and ACT with wisdom and fearless authority to protect the rights of all others Then GlobalPeace.org is achieved forever as all demonic crime networks are destroyed.
On Feb 28, 2017 we attended the GlobalPeace.org Convention 2017 as the works of these masters of wisdom, peace, and full scale accountability cross promote the only solutions that ensure mankind prosper and thrive. GO PUBLIC is the ultimate battle cry of UNIocracy.com, your very own new world society of full scale visibility and enforced accountability to have one degree of separation with URLiDent.com sent to Interpol and world Jan 7, 2015. All objections have already been cross managed.
Crowd Funding these world saving ministries with partnerships has always been the key to ensuring corruption and enslavement is destroyed by empowering all of humanity to manage all of their very own local affairs thereby reducing almost all government oversight needs to less than 3% tax on GNP.
Click https://youtu.be/lhczRWqevbc #1 Press Conference with Presidents TV Broadcast Feb 16, 2017 shows how to UNIFY all mankind. Contact Press, FBI, A,G Military, churches, PUBLIC to find Keith today to host Press Conference that identify all crime enterprises with public databases controlled By, For, and Of all my-our people. The gate of 'heaven' are open for all repentant criminals and integrity driven people as we drive all unsaved terrorists and criminals into the Hell-Jails of abandoned slums caused by SolutionHousing.com funded by trillions of $$$ crime assets seized by SolutionMilitary.com and eVote.ONE pass judgments while SolutionUNI.com teaches all Nations to UNIFY under your new world society once and forever. NEVER again will any of your rights be denied since you now control your own destiny. For Dr. Hyan Moon Chair of GlobalPeace.org states 'For Love of God Country + all people'
SolutionManifesto.com is the worlds first unified standard mandate charter of your own UNIocracy.com new world society that forever KILLS the New World Order of the criminal ruling elite. GO Public and ORDER all corporations and governments to USE these master solutions or be destroyed by Public Court of you, my 7.47 billion world citizens with Nobel Peace Prize eVote.ONE and URLiDent.com to destroy all crime forever. UNIFY with UNITYurl.com to overthrow all crime once and forever as each community deals with their own crime and issues, thereby reducing all needs for governments to almost ground zero.
World free trade and travel occurs when all religions and public overthrow all criminal enterprises using the only common sense logic methods published through all media shown on BuiltByKeith.com evangelist crusader world ministries at all community levels. The public is empowered to manhunt all criminals and turn them over to any military or law enforcement agency to claim the finders reward fee obtained from the criminals own seized assets. This demonstrated with each world broadcast of ZERO secrets = no crime including Kshama.me
SolutionGovernment.com is the only required international citizen driven database with URLiDent.com to enforce all officials are upholding all statues of law. Start with CALLING all Law enforcement and National Press to show them FatherKeith.com as the #1 world Human-God Rights activist who works fearlessly for ALL Military, Police, Judicial System, Banks, Churches, Public, and all of humanity with http://www.BuiltByKeith.com as the ONLY world solution clearinghouse in history of man.
Quote: "Hell has no fury like a fundamentalist scorned." Call ANY USA Gov official to ask them WHY Keith Duncan went to debrief and escort military to FBI-AG back on Sept 25, 2011.
Ask why terrorists and criminals exist inside our own Government agencies and corporate Executive black market crime enterprises. Ask why not a single 'blasted' or biblical 'DAMED' soul has protected any of your rights. ManHuntRose.com puts +100 top level criminals on Death Row and in prison using The Patriot Act and simple filing of felony criminal charges based on only their own signatures, crime evidence, and false witness. Christ and many other fore founders taught humanity how to rid their world of these devil unrepentant criminals.
Everyone, contact Pastor Andy Stanley at NorthPoint Community Church, Alpharetta GA USA GlobalXinfo@northPoint.org GoGlobalX.org +1(678)892-5635. Contact North America Mission Board in Atlanta GA USA at (770)410-6000 to dispatch +500 mission persons to Philippines via NAMB.Net. Call Dr Bill Ross, Marietta GA USA BRoss@MariettaFBC.org (770)424-8326, Pastor Jay Hackett Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, Norcross GA USA (770)-448-1313, + All OTHER Mega-Churches including All Roman Catholics (Pope Francis), SolutionIslam.com , Mormons, JW.org, I.N.C, + all other CHURCHES to UNIFY all religions with ChristDomain.com. I have personally visited and ministered to over 300 churches in the past 40 years. Since I work full time for humanity and GOD, few have protected any of my rights to share these prime truths.
Call Liar-Lawyer Jimmy Deal (770)263-7200 to order his immediate arrest and delivery TO the Langley AFB (was Lt Gen Dash Jamieson) with Dobbins AFB Military (OSI Freddie Wilson) of the 3 banker boxes full of Military/FBI/IRS/AG evidence on ROSE and the most extensive cabal connection links to +100 USGOV officials. Everything is replicated on these websites to protect all your rights and to SEIZE all criminal assets by Military and overseen by all churches.
All Human Rights are protected by 100% citizen visibility of crime and 100% fraudulent proof transactions using off-shelf and wearable technology. TheTruthVault.com demonstrates to our world how use of simple databases and surveillance literally prevents crime from occurring by detecting all violations at point of transaction to be shown to world and SolutionJudge.com immediately. Total world surrender and seizure of all criminal Trillions of $$$ assets occurs with SolutionMilitary.com to rebuild new communities for you with SolutionHousing.com.
Very little government and taxation is ever required. This ensures and enforces total transparency of all leadership by the technology monitored control of, and by the will of the majority of citizens. No crime goes unpunished when all evidence is shown to public immediately. For serious crimes, the public will electronically vote the verdict and penalty. When any individual recognizes they can be held 100% accountable for slander, libel, fraud, shop-lifting, assault, or any offense like ClearCollarCrime.com, then ethical persons of integrity hold them 100% liable for protecting Human rights. Then, your world becomes the paradise here on Heaven as it is here in the Philippines. All criminals are executed, put into prison, or shun-isolated into the slums vacated by Keith's +7.47 Billion poverty stricken slave traded population. There has never been a 100% successful overthrow of all unrepentant criminals in the history of mankind. Now and forever, this is your new world society reality.
Contact Berny Dorhmann at CEOSpace.net and ask him about the 90% of first $1 Billion USD pledged to my #1 Integrity based forum that teaches ethics at all levels. He even offered to help write this World Manifesto Charter to create worlds first Free New World Society. Keith is Platinum member Feb 2011 and was kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 at Las Wages-Vegas by Rose....
Click and read the first Manifest PDF file above. Distribute to all News Media, Governments, Public, and religious groups immediately. This will ensure the final completion of the worlds most powerful reformation to shun all criminals and restore the utopia of full scale accountability and transparency of all of humanity. Support, protect, and mass crowd fund www.BidOnKeith.com partnerships ProfitShareHolders.com to prevent world collapse caused by truant Tryants. Order the seizure arrests of all terrorists tied to Rose and other criminals.
Welcome to your new mandated World Order as all law enforcement, Military, Interpol, United Nations, Press, Churches, and Public have always been directly contacted for +8 years.
SolutionUNI.com of United Nations International is for all Citizens to Act With Authority for the benefits of all others. As soon as these world class and saving solutions go public, everyone shall hold themselves accountable as well as maintain all Peace and Order at your commUNITY UNITYurl.com levels by managing and controlling your own governments and corporations. This results in the worlds largest transfer of criminal wealth back to all classes of people by eliminating the 'Criminal Ruling Elite' once and forever.
This results in the collapse of all corrupt government organizations and criminal corporate enterprises since they will no longer have any ability to function other than to maintain basic infrastructures of commerce, products and services, safe water and food, road and transportation systems, basic health care, emergency services, and monitoring for criminals who escape Interpol URLiDent.com like ManHuntRose.com. Our world will be monitored by a single multi-national World Military Force who monitors for all political corruption using SolutionFinal.com, SolutionGod.com, + SolutionGovernment.com, SolutionURL.com, and the other comprehensive non political SolutionMilitary.com provided by FollowKeith, BuiltByKeith.com, CreatorKeith, and Prime Consultant/#1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary BidOnKeith.com and open source Religious systems founded by Others + SaviorKeith.com
The precedence for creating a single world society with very little government is based on each revolution over mankinds history including the formation of Vatican City as a separate Sovereign Nation. This occurs when 7.42 billion of my-our people abolish the criminals once and forever using BuiltBykeith.com only solutions to systematically solve each and every one of mankinds minor and major world issues, conflicts, wars, and enslavement of all classes by the criminal ruling elite identified ONLY by their own criminal wealth and lack of Integrity for anyone else. Anyone NOT using these solutions is banned and shunned by all of society using the simple off shelf technology and methods I helped develop and embedded in the criminals own internet infrastructure. This started with Amateur Radio, extensive electronics and computer science perfect systems designs at N.C.S.U. Raleigh NC 1976-1981 to the present historical moment when the 'fulcrum' swing of evil genocide is killed and reversed to benefit each of you
As the Crusader Evangelist Founder of UNiocracy.com, all people, governments, corporations, organizations, and churches will unify under one single government controlled by all citizens using electronic voting visible to everyone. No more secrets mean criminals die for exclusion of no resources and our world returns to the Utopia of Peace and worldwide harmony
The massive bloodshed, destruction of nations is prevented by the RISE of all people to ORDER and COMMAND their leadership use SolutionGovernment.com or be imprisoned and shunned by majority vote of those they were elected/appointed/promoted to serve.
Anyone objecting is required to publicly provide better solutions or be shunned by society by their own false testimony and cynical attacks using URLiDent.com delivered and gifted to Interpol and Associated Press on Jan 7, 2015 seen by the world on database repository for humanity of IseeIunderStand.com, www.TheTruthVault.com and www.IseeJustice.com Everyone can find these solutions all over the domain of our Conscience Creator's domain of the Internet as well as eBooks such as TeamMoneyMachine.com, PCTerror.com and WorldSchoolFund.com under the one standard broadcasts of UNIocracy.com using ManHuntRose.com and TheFinalTerrorist.com WhereIsRobertRose.com as the most effective way to shun the worse of the worst criminals by Citizen legal actions. This is clearly the worse LandMark Miscarriage of Justice in world history when economic damage of Quad-Trillions is recognized by the Will of the Majority of Keith's collective people.
For the simple basic four By-Pass laws of SolutionGovernment.com prevent anyone from criminally profiting and racketeering from their leadership positions at any level of society. Technology and Education are the ultimate solutions combined with biblical principals of integrity, honesty, open public records, virtue, humbleness, and the compliance oversight of ethical business transactions using the prime visionary products and services of trade such as USA published patented PhoneCradle.com, IcStand.com, and publically broadcasted gifted SelfyProStick.com, (patent applied for in 2012) TurnOffLights.com (Nobel Peace Worthy), and the other comprehensive solutions that prevent all crimes from going undetected and unpunished at absolute minimum taxpayer expense.
These standards are the gifted Acts of Wisdom that are inherently necessary for our world to survive the predatory greed of individuals who are self-entitling ruthless criminals who become our leadership at Government, Judicial, Financial, Law Enforcement, and Corporate levels. UNIocracy.com is the first and only virtual and literal government system that fully provides total checks and balances for self-regulated communities. No more passports, visas, or checkpoints of trade or travel will be needed by government officials. Each citizen will have a single International Identifying number used to database verify if they are trustworthy by everyone who has encountered them. Criminals will be shunned by all of society based on only their own evidence and actions until they make full restitution to their victims. ACTION by all citizens is all that has ever been required as decreed by Keith.
Click HERE for the original Dropbox.com for SolutionManifesto.com
Sept 25, 2015 Pope Francis addresses Joint USA Congress and United Nations. Keith will attend when USA Military simple calls Keith's cell and escorts him to the Press Conference series of all times. Who protects Keith now ? It has always been easy to contact and ask Keith any question at all.
March 2017.
USA government, Press, U.N, Interpol, others invite and escort Keith back to USA or Europe for Press Conferences to finally show all these criminals and felony capital crimes against humanity to the world.